From May 11, 2021, the reception of each of our sites welcomes you normally. However, the protective measures set out by the Federal Office of Public Health must be observed:

  • Welcoming a maximum of two customers at a time
  • Maintaining distances
  • Use of hand sanitizer gel

Please follow the instructions and marking in our storage locations in Switzerland. Thank you for your understanding.

How to sign a rental contract?

Nothing’s easier ! All you have to do is go to the depot of your choice during opening hours, with an identity document and a means of payment (for the 1st month of rental). If you want to rent a box in the name of a company, remember to bring a copy of the entry in the Commercial Register.

What are the terms of payment for a box?

The 1st month is paid on the day you sign the rental contract. For the following months, you will receive an invoice around the 25th of the previous month, payable on the 1st day of the upcoming rental month. Example: you receive the invoice for the month of March around February 25, which you must settle on March 1 at the latest.

How do I change a mailing address?

Email or call us during business hours. The change of address will be done instantly!

How do I terminate my rental contract?

It’s simple: just do it or by email to ( info@easystock.ch ), or directly on this site under Services upon receipt you will receive a confirmation email. Allow 15 days’ notice for the end of the current month for any termination of contract.

Example: a termination request made on March 15 will be effective on March 31, while a request made on March 20 will be effective on April 30.

Can I access my box at any time?

Your box is accessible free of charge 7 days a week, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. On request, we grant you extended accessibility according to the different repositories.

How to rent an additional box?

On the same principle as the rental of your 1 st box, except that it will not be necessary for you to
provide proof of identity or a copy of the Trade Register registration.

Can I change boxes?

Yes, you can change boxes on the 15th or 30th of each month. All you have to do is go to your depot during opening hours and inform the person on site, who will take the modification steps with you.

When and how to contact easystock?

You can contact us at any time by e-mail, and during opening hours by telephone. We will process your request as soon as possible.

For out-of-hours emergencies, please leave a message on the answering machine.

For French-speaking Switzerland:

For German-speaking Switzerland:

How to choose the ideal box volume?

Need help choosing the right size for your box? A quick and easy way to get an idea is to use the Volume Calculator . You will be able to estimate the size of your ideal box. You can also visit us in one of our depots, we will advise you on the choice of your box.


We want to protect our planet so prefer our sending of invoices by email, however if you wish your monthly invoices can be sent to you by post.

Prohibition to store

    The storage space may only be used for the following purposes:

  • For the storage of materials or goods whose possession, storage or transport is subject to specific public or private regulations or directives.
  • For storing plants or animals.
  • For the storage of illegal or immoral materials or goods.
  • For the storage of perishable, odorous, dangerous, toxic, flammable, explosive, radioactive goods or goods which may present a direct or indirect, immediate or long term annoyance or danger, for ES, its employees, the neighborhood and the general public.
  • For the storage of waste of any kind, including animal or organic.